Sunday, 7 December 2008

The Unnaturals

National Geographic wins again, as this rare find speaks for itself.
Man I bloody love this.
Getting to put my late hours into a personal interest. One which has 'Artistic potential'.


This really was hard to track down. Well, the whole archive that is. At first I had to try and accept having to deal with a valuble find, which is missing another 50 minutes worth - The Shame.

But hey, as I've got it in my cyber hand as we speak, best get the hot stuff down... emphasis on: downnnnn

Episodes 1 - 5 [I believe that's it all. If not, then dearly darn the internet for it's insufficient ways]

Much much much credit to Youtuber SearchForTheUnknown. There is PLENTY more of videos from the Is It Real? series. Including the likes of Big Foot (now you know you want some of that hotness!)

Man it took long to encode those into the blog successfully. Right-winged mother...

1 comment:

Joseph Smith said...

Gawd blimey, no pain...chi knockout...hhmm could it be real?