FS4 - SSR: Evaluation
"Since the beginning of this project, my initial intention was to study the likes of someone who is not that frequently used by past/present students, primarily for an ‘Auteur’ or ‘Performance’ study. I summoned Morgan Freeman; at first for an ‘Auteur’ study, although it shortly proved difficult to obtain external studies/secondary research, resulting into an adaptation better suited for the likes of ‘Performance’ studies, with ambition to understand the subject’s developed status and audience impact.
With the subject matter decided, I moved onto my focus texts - films. Starting from the intense filmography provided, I made brief observations on the pieces I am already aware and knowledgeable of, films that I felt confident in both generally talking about with personal input, and which (by fact) show the greatest qualities of my subject for a strong-studied argument. Sticking to the films I knew best of, I chose The Shawshank Redemption, Se7en, and Bruce Almighty. They each include the most recognisable and strongest traits of Freeman, in both the obvious and critical senses - his presence, power, and wisdom (all constructed and portrayed through both visual and aural practices). Having DVD access to all of these films corroborated great support in my studies, with available insights to special features and extras on Freeman’s appearances and contributions, including personally-justified statements from befriended actors and directors.
It is evident that the Internet played a strong role in my researching valuable information on Freeman, as well as performance, star, and audience studies. Beginning with biographies, the likes of www.wikipedia.com, www.imdb.com and www.rottentomatoes.com supported detailed overviews of the actor’s life and filmography. However these resources lacked specified studies on Freeman, accompanied by the occasionally unreliable and poorly justified extract from public users, disabling me from collecting vital evidence on the much finer properties of the subject. Therefore, I expanded my searches to more open queries, varying in publication date and manner. Predominantly articles found, my online searches provided me with critically coherent notes of Freeman, with brilliantly presented collaborations between personal input and facts - in turn giving me both audience responses and pre-studied arguments.
The duration of the researching was undoubtedly difficult, as the items found were incredibly rare and inadequately promoted. And from this, I moved to other materials and mediums in order to gather further information. To my dismay, there was a grave insufficiency of academic literature related to Morgan Freeman. Besides two magazine strips, which became my first rejected items, my only (but definitely appreciated) finding was Richard Dyer’s “BFI Modern Classics: Seven”, thanks to the passionate words included of Freeman himself, on his and Brad Pitt’s acting, with wise observations on performance acting as a profession - key elements, accompanied by the relationship between actor and script, actor and stage and actor and camera/audience ;thanks to his earlier works on Broadway. With all this as an inspiration point, I then moved onto recording/creating scripts from The Shawshank Redemption’s DVD extras, giving me the most marvellous remarks on Freeman, both from himself and the cast, all who thought incredibly highly of him, on and off screen. All of this researching accompanied by a Focus Group of critically-minded Freeman fans provided further supportive information in regards to Freeman’s acting abilities, with personal input towards the influential values Freeman has on the ideological aspects of his fans and audiences. In turn, my entire project became a successful investigation of my subjects key qualities, resulting in a non-biased yet well argued understanding of my subject matter, with the disciplines used and required also."
Hope that is along the lines of okay, please?
1 comment:
You used Richard Dyer's book too!
I know him now... Dyer teaches me at my uni. You should have asked me to interrogate him on Freeman's performance in Se7en! XD.
I hope my evaluation proved useful.
We need to go to the pub soon. All i have been doing is reading, falling asleep in screening and writing essays. I need me some fun! Prepare to GET DONE! :P
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